water testing
testing your water.
Water testing is an important part of pond and lake management. If you are using your pond for recreational activities including boating or swimming, water testing can be of great benefit in keeping family members safe from possible contamination. Many times, water testing can help explain why pests are invading your water source. We can then determine proper treatment options. Baseline testing is important for ongoing maintenance programs. In addition, periodic testing can expose possible contamination issues as they arise, preventing costly invasions of unwanted pathogens or pests in the future.
We use an accredited laboratory to test your water for various pathogens and elements. We then provide recommendations on how to mitigate any issues that are present or help prevent further contamination.
what is the condition of your waterway?
Testing for fecal bacteria is extremely important for recreationally-used lakes where humans come in close contact with the water. Fecal bacteria may be introduced to your water in many ways. For example: via septic systems, livestock runoff, or excessive wildlife/waterfowl waste. E. coli can cause gastroenteritis or even death in the elderly or those with compromised immune systems. Further testing may be required to determine the specific pathogens that may be present in your waterway such as Cryptosporidium or Giardia.
High Nutrient Content
An excessive growth of algae and aquatic plants may be caused by high mineral levels. Specific nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus may be caused by fertilizer or manure pollution. We can propose several ways to reduce these nutrient levels and in turn slow the growth of invasive plants.
Alkalinity and pH Levels
Monitoring pH and alkalinity levels is particularly important for maintaining a healthy pond and aquatic life. Introducing various nutrients can help bring alkalinity and pH levels to normal ranges.
Learning the mineral content of your water source can help understand issues you may be facing. We can test for copper, aluminum, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and sulfates. Elevated levels of some minerals are toxic to aquatic life, others may cause issues if your water is being used for irrigation purposes.
Water Clarity and Oxygen
A Secchi disk can be used to measure the depth of clarity of the water. Water cloudiness due to plankton growth or suspended sediment can be an indicator of low oxygen levels. Measuring dissolved oxygen, the amount of oxygen that is dissolved in your water, is directly related to the survival of aquatic life. Controlling the growth of invasive plant life, reducing nutrients, and the installation of an aeration device are all tools we can use to improve your water health.
Water Temperature
Understanding water temperature will help determine what fish can survive in your particular pond or lake. In addition, monitoring temperatures during the hotter months may become necessary in the coming years for health reasons. Cases of amebic meningoencephalitis, a usually fatal infection caused by the naegleria fowleri amoeba, continue to rise and move further north across the United States.